Creating the besthedgehog food list for your cherished pet might be difficult but is necessary. In fact, scouring the backs of food bags for the appropriate components might cause your hair to become grey. If you look at the contents, kibble prepared expressly for hedgehogs is full of fillers and lacks entire components, thus it is not advised. The finest foods to feed your hedgehog and why are covered in greater depth below. Live feeder insects are included in the list, yes! So please excuse the wiggly bits!
Veggies And Fruits For Hedgies
The area of the body that breaks down cellulose is called the cecum, which is absent in hedgehogs. They aren't getting the full nutritional benefits from the fruits and veggies since they can't digest them. We advise against include them on your list of foods for hedgehogs. We advise you to feed the insects just fruits and vegetables, which they will be processing by stomach loading. In this manner, the insects acquire nutrients and provide the hedgie what they are missing out on as a result of their inability to digest plant cells without a cecum. Therefore, if your hedgehog refuses to eat fruits or vegetables, don't panic; these items are not required on the best hedgehog food.
Your Hedgie Can't Eat Lactose
Like other animals, hedgehogs cannot tolerate lactose. You
should never drink milk, and you shouldn't attempt eating ice cream either.
Avoid dairy on your list of foods for hedgehogs since it simply cannot be
broken down inside their stomachs and will make your hedgehog uncomfortable. We
appreciate goat's milk if you're seeking for a milk that is risk-free.
Typically obtained at your neighborhood pet store, it can be stored in the
refrigerator for up to 14 days. It's advantageous since it's good for their
skin, digestive system, and bones! Use it when their meals need supplementing,
when they need a significant probiotic dose, or if they aren't eating properly
or gaining weight.
What Hedgehogs Can Safely Eat?
Hedgehogs adore meals high in meat and protein. You will
discover enjoyable delicacies in this department that will totally enhance your
nutrition and quality of life. We'll discuss the best kibble to feed your
hedgehog as well as the many foods you can add to their kibble to make it more
While some hedgies are finicky eaters, the majority are
adventurous. This typically relies on whether the hedgehog's breeder used just
one kind of kibble. A hedgehog may also develop a rigid preference for one
particular food source exclusively. To ensure balanced nutrition, you will need
to modify your list of hedgehog foods
if this occurs.
When given insects, hedgehogs typically smile. Heavenly
hedgehogs typically prefer all feeder insects. Hedgehogs are enthusiastic
carnivores in the wild and will consume whatever meat they can find. If they
can catch a leaping worm, most of them will enjoy following and hunting it. But
not all hedgehogs will interact with insects, so don't be frightened if yours
shows little interest in the insects it receives as food. Check for black army
fly larvae since calci worms are the ideal food for them. Before giving them to
your hedgehog, they may be gut-loaded with some delectable broccoli, carrots,
or potatoes.
Hedgehogs can also be fed meat, such as beef tripe, egg
whites, and boiling chicken. Professional hedgehog keepers have experimented
with adding raw meat to dry kibble without negative effects on their animals'
health or temperament. As usual, you should use your best judgment when
selecting what to feed from our list of recommended hedgehog foods. You might
also want to talk to your veterinarian about it.
If you want to know more about the best hedgehog food, visit us at Hedgy Life!